Project Lab
The ACP Project Lab’s exhibition program focuses on environmental solo shows that give artists financial support and free rein. By commissioning new works, we create opportunities for lens-based artists to take risks, experiment with creative approaches, and push the boundaries of photography’s potential and reach.
Public Programs
ACP produces public programs that activate our exhibition space and allow for radical exchanges between artists and communities. Taking any form, these events embrace diverse lens-based media practices and test the boundaries of what photography is and can be. Public Programs create new opportunities for our community to convene and engage in an arts dialogue.

ACP reaffirms its originating vision as a community organization embracing collaboration, shared work, and collective abundance. This concept is especially critical to the future of our annual festival, which is being reimagined as a focused and impactful multi-day event with workshops, keynote speakers, artist presentations, and additional exhibitions, events, and screenings at partner organizations around the city. Check back soon for more information.

Professional Development
Portfolio Reviews
ACP hosts an annual virtual portfolio review focused on creating accessible professional development opportunities and meaningful dialogue for emerging lens-based artists. Critically, this is also an opportunity for curators, gallerists, and editors from around the country to learn more about the state of contemporary photography in the American South, creating opportunities for exchange and knowledge sharing.
To keep our professional development programs accessible and inclusive, six Equity Scholarships are available for artists who identify as BIPOC or LGBTQIA+.
Emerging Artist Fellowship
ACP’s Emerging Artist Fellowship Program is the only photo-based fellowship program in Atlanta. By offering artists the mentorship and financial resources they need at a decisive juncture in their careers, ACP supports significant cultural production and helps sustain a thriving artist landscape in Atlanta.
Fellows are chosen by a jury to complete and present an individual project of new work over four months. The Fellow receives support for their proposed project, including mentorship, professional development, an artist fee, production support, and a 3-month solo exhibition at the ACP Project Lab.
Outreach Programs
Teen Spirit
Teen Spirit is a collaborative outreach program with inpatient teens at three Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta hospitals. Spearheaded by ACP co-founder Corinne Adams, Teen Spirit volunteers lead hundreds of teens a year to explore their identity, including (or in spite of) their diagnosis, through writing and photographic self-portraiture.
Block Party + Open Exhibition
In an effort to highlight the past, present, and future vibrancy of our home on Edgewood Avenue, ACP is hosting an annual block party with art, food, music, events, and activities in conjunction with neighboring businesses.
The exhibition component is an open call with all submissions accepted—a nod to photography’s ultra-democratic ethos and an opportunity for anyone with a print to show up and be part of an ACP group exhibition. The maximalist installation is a testament to Atlanta’s robust arts community and an opportunity to celebrate photography as an inclusive force for social transformation.